Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Throwback Freebie

written by Grace H.

Welcome back to TBG’s Top Ten Tuesday! Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, Top Ten Tuesday encourages book bloggers to create and share a “Top Ten” list in response to a different topic each week.

This week’s theme is…throwback!!

This means that I get to choose the topic, selecting from past prompts that have already been used. I did some digging to find some old topics, and I chose one from 2020… books I read because someone recommended them to me.

All of these recommendations were ones that I really enjoyed; so take this post as my recommendation to YOU if you haven’t read any of these!



  1. The Hate U Give was so good! Have you seen the film, too?

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

  2. I have The Hate U Give in my 'TBR'... I keep meaning to read it... So many books to read!!

  3. Pretty much everything I read is because someone else recommended it. I should do this topic. :)
