Thursday, July 18, 2024

Goodnight Homeroom: All the Advice I Wish I Got Before Going to High School by Sam Kaplan

by Kate D.
Grade 11

Watch out, eighth graders, because high school is closer than you think. Goodnight Homeroom: All the Advice I Wish I Got Before Going to High School is an easy read, filled with colorful imagery and rhyme. Unlike your homework, you won’t have to worry about the due date to return this book because of its length and simple language.

This book was inspired by the famous children’s book, Goodnight Moon. Goodnight Homeroom tells the reader about a general high school experience, highlighting important events and helping the reader navigate the next four years. Inside, there is a summary of not only high school, but differences and struggles between all four grades.

The illustrations within Goodnight Homeroon are colorful and unique. The book is in second person in order to highlight your journey. While there is valuable information within Goodnight Homeroom, be wary for not all of the information applies to everyone and some of the lines can be interpreted wrong. Such is shown in multiple lines, such as: “And take mental health breaks/not sometimes, but often.” While mental health is important, so are your grades and attendance. Be cautious with how many “breaks” you take throughout the school year.

While mainly targeted to incoming high school freshmen, Goodnight Homeroom is an excellent gist of what the year will bring for any rising ninth, tenth, eleventh, or even twelfth graders. It truly was written to follow: “The advice I wish I knew before high school.” 

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