Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Most Recent Additions to My To-Read List

Written by Brooke K.

For this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, I was tasked with choosing ten books on my to-read list. Books have the ability to transport readers to new worlds and teach important lessons. The books below are ones that I am looking forward to reading in 2025.

1. Queen Bee- Amalie Howard - a newish book I’ve been meaning to read for a while
2. Chaos Theory- Nic Stone- a story from an author with many other books that I have enjoyed reading.   
3. Icarus- K Ancrum- I am interested to see how she weaves Greek mythology into the plot. 
4. Peaches- Jodie Lynn Anderson- The title reminds me of the Justin Bieber song.  
5. We’ll Always Have Summer - Jenny Han - This is the final book in a series that I love. 

6. Wildfire- Ferin Davis Anderson- It is really important to learn about what is happening in California. 
7. Adventures of Mary Jane - Hope Jahren -I read Huckleberry Finn in school and am interested in how Jahren imagines Mary Jane's life.  
8. Love Requires Chocolate- Ravynn Stringfield- Chocolate is one of my favorite foods so I was intrigued by the title. 
9. In Want of a Suspect- Tirzah Price- It is new to the library and I have seen good reviews about it online.  
10. A Queen’s Game- Katharine McGee-  The author also wrote American royals which I really liked. 



  1. I think I would have liked "Peaches" by Jodi Lynn Anderson when I was in middle school.

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday List!

  2. IN WANT OF A SUSPECT looks/sounds really fun. I hope you enjoy it and all these others!

    Happy TTT (on a Thursday)!

  3. I want to read Icarus too. I hope you love all these!

  4. I like the cover for Peaches.
