Friday, June 14, 2024

BOOK VS FILM! Turtles All the Way Down

 by Helena M.

Turtles All The Way Down, written by award-winning author John Green, focuses on the life of Aza Holmes. Aza has severe obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) about germs and bacteria. It hugely affects her well-being and plagues her life with constant irrational thoughts and behaviors that she cannot control. Her life changes when she and her best friend Daisy hear about a missing billionaire on the news who is the father of her childhood friend, Davis Pickett. Daisy and Aza’s need for the award money ($100,000 for people with relevant information) causes the pair to meet Davis again. Aza and Davis begin to connect and face the challenges in their lives together, one thing at a time. On May 2, 2024, a movie based on the book was released to Max and carries a 6.7/10 rating on IMDb.


The Movie

The movie is surprisingly good. Before I watched it, I unfairly assumed that it would be very different from the novel (which is sadly often the case). I was surprised while watching because of the added complexity and detail. Some of the best parts of the film were enhanced and barely anything was neglected.

The movie was very well made. The filming, the music, and the effects were tied together perfectly. The combination improved the story greatly. The only thing I did not like about the film was that it was a bit excessive in some parts. A few of the scenes were stressful and hard to watch, but that may be fine for other people.


The Book

Turtles All The Way Down was my first book by John Green, and it helped me get back into reading with its beautiful plot and detail. Additionally, the writing is splendid. The characters are nicely developed and feel like real people, which is only sometimes common. It can be a bit of a heavier read because of the subjects that are presented in the book, but I often find myself coming back to it again and again. In my opinion, it is a great read for most people and a must-read.

The Verdict

After comparing and contrasting the two works, I believe that the book is the superior way to savor the exquisite story. It was a tough decision, but the book is so breathtaking. The movie is as well, but not at the same level. I would recommend either the book or the movie, depending on your mood, to anyone interested in a captivating drama.

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