Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Flush by Carl Hiaasen

Reviewed by Jake L.
Grade 8

Noah's dad is a stubborn man. He landed in jail for sinking a casino boat that he believed was dumping waste into the Florida Keys waterways. Now Noah and his friend, Abby, have to prove that the boat is dumping waste into the water and that his Dad isn't wrong. The stakes are high. This is the last straw for Noah's mom, so if he isn't successful his family will probably fall apart.

Noah is an average teenager in the Florida Keys, but his dad is not the average dad. His dad is an environmental enthusiast who ends up in jail for sinking a casino boat that's dumping waste into the ocean. One problem: no proof of any wrongdoing on the casino boat. Noah and Abby make it their mission to prove that the casino is polluting the water. This leads them into making some unlikely friends, many enemies, and buying a lot of food dye.

I thought the setting and plot were outstanding in this book. Hiaasen's plots are consistently impossible to anticipate but are always gripping. He also gives a very clear picture of where Noah is throughout the book.

I would recommend Flush to anyone and everyone, especially a Florida resident. It teaches lessons in perseverance and protecting the environment. It's just another great book by Carl Hiaasen.

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